Smash Up Data

Jun 26, 20211 min


Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Where do we even begin to analyze a game like Smash Up? The answer?… Questions. We all have them: What factions pair well? Why do certain factions pair poorly? How do these card abilities interact? Which factions counter those factions? The list goes on and on. The more questions we asked, the more exciting it became to try and answer them.

Naturally, we ventured out into the community. We followed the message boards, scrolled through Google Sheets, tabbed across Excel files, and commented in Reddit posts. To our surprise, a passionate community of Smash Up data enthusiasts did exist and, like us, wanted to “study” the game.

We felt the community deserved a home for rich interactive data and to tell the story of the game at any level. Whether you are a brand new player or a seasoned tournament veteran (or J.P.), we welcome you! However, it is difficult to reconcile all the different approaches to analyzing the game, and even more difficult to try and consolidate all that data.

That being said, we still gon' try. And with your help, we can make this the home for gathering and presenting Smash Up data.

Our mission is to grow the Smash Up community, centralize data collection efforts, and present rich game analytics.

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Sincerely yours,

Hansel und der Dork Orc
